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Bitpower Sponsors Orchards in the Community
We are proud to be a part of the #DCsForBees 1000 'Orchards In The Community' Initiative The orchards that we have planted are some of more than 1000 orchards across the country that will bring huge life support to our bees and other pollinators as they emerge searching for food each Spring. You can find out more at www.orchards.ie @hostinireland
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Irish Times reports "Dublin is now Europe's Largest Data Hosting Cluster"
Latest analysis of Ireland's data hosting industry shows that Dublin has grown to 600MW across fifty-three facilities. Our 2018 Q4 report with Host in Ireland illustrates Ireland's ongoing success.
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Ireland's Data Hosting Industry 2017.
Measuring the sustainability of Ireland's data industry.
We performed a survey of data centre operators in Ireland to find out what drives sustainability in their business.
"We address the scale of energy use and its growth, and explore options for better integration with the energy system. We have mapped the location of the leading data centres in Ireland. We look at the different types of data hosting, and how their business models differ in terms of sustainability reporting. We address energy efficiency and best practice in data centre design and operations.
By providing the most timely and accurate update on data centre activity in the Irish market, we believe that this baseline will act as a useful reference for policymakers. This will be beneficial to Ireland as we look to continue our leadership in the creation, retention and exporting of digital products for the long term."
Read the report below.
To download a copy of the report, click here: Bitpower_Report_2017_sml.pdf
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At November's Data Centres Ireland conference at the RDS, Dublin, David McAuley will moderate a distinguished panel including EirGrid, Gas Networks Ireland, Clarke Energy, and The Irish Wind Energy Association.
Panel Discussion – “Issues Affecting Datacentres and Other Large Energy Users in Ireland”
Topics addressed Include:
- Green supply/Renewables
- I-SEM (Integrated Single Energy Market) in a post Brexit landscape
- Power capacity in Ireland and New Hyper Scale datacentres
- Sustainability - Could Joined up thinking drive greater efficiencies in DC’s